Types of Personalized Product Recommendations To Increase Sales

Amazon’s online shopping experience is custom-built to each shopper and their behavior on the store. They’ve placed personalized product recommendations based on past purchases, browsing history, and product type.

Think about the last time you visited the store. Amazon lined up all the products related to the searches you made during the last session on the home page itself!

amazon personalized product recommendations

This doesn’t just make it easier for you to find the products you were interested in, but also helps Amazon nudge you towards a conversion faster.

Simply put, setting up personalized product recommendations is a powerful strategy to increase your Shopify sales.

In fact, it was found that personalized product recommendations dramatically increase AOV by 369%.

By setting up product recommendations on Shopify, you can smoothen the shopping experience on your store. Shoppers won’t have to search for too long to find the product and these recommendations will give the shopper a range of options for quicker shopping sessions.

You can set up 6 different kinds of personalized recommendations on your Shopify store, based on your shopper’s needs and how they navigate your store. You can understand which one works for you by testing out different widgets and seeing which one yields the best results.

Also read: Personalized Product Recommendations: Best Practices & Growth Hacks for Higher Conversions

For instance, let’s look into the 10 types of personalized product recommendations you can set up on your store using the Wiser Shopify app.

Different ways to showcase personalized product recommendations

1. Recently Viewed Products

When browsing through products, it’s always helpful to be able to go back and view a product you last looked at but didn’t save. But, a store that doesn’t show a shopper what they last looked at makes it that much harder for the shopper to buy from you. Amazon’s “Recently Viewed” section allows its large customer base to find products they looked at quickly.

Show recently viewed products with a minimal widget that is easy to scroll through. Set up a quick access widget on your storefront to let shoppers see what they last looked at.

Here’s what the recently viewed product recommendations look like:

recently viewed product recommendations wiser

2. New Arrivals

Oftentimes, your newly launched products will see fewer clicks and purchases. For one, Google takes longer to index these product pages and your SEO efforts will take a week or two to make an impact. On the other hand, store visitors and frequent shoppers won’t be browsing your store for these new products since they aren’t yet popular on your Shopify store.

Set up a widget to promote these newly arrived products and get shoppers to notice and buy them. This widget gives you the opportunity to maximize views on your new products without too much effort.

You can place the widget on your storefront if you want to let browsers know about them. Setting up the New Arrivals widget on the cart page is also a smart idea. Shoppers who are already interested in your products will be able to add these new products to their carts before completing their purchase.

new arrivals product recommendations

Do you have a certain set of products you want to highlight to your shoppers? These may be products that aren’t selling fast enough or ones that are unique to your store. You can place a ‘Featured Products’ widget on your Shopify store to bring more attention to these products. Here are a few ways to use this widget to grab more eyeballs:

  • Highlight the best deals on your store during a sale.
  • Use this widget to give shoppers a sense of your brand by showing products from different collections or product types.
  • Feature low-selling inventory and put them in the spotlight.
  • Show limited edition products within this recommendation widget.
  • If you’ve collaborated with an influencer, you can set up a ‘Featured Products’ section to show what the influencer loves from your store.

featured collection product recommendations

Set up personalized product recommendations on your store with Wiser. Install Shopify app!

4. Top-selling Products 

If some of your products are selling well, why not use this popularity to showcase them on your store? Draw attention to products that are already a hit with your customers and encourage store visitors to check them out with a ‘Top Selling Products’ widget.

With this recommendation widget, you can let new visitors know which products they are guaranteed to love, making it easy to access them as soon as they land on your store.  Many Shopify stores place the bestsellers widget on their front page so that it’s the first thing shoppers see.

top selling product recommendations

Similarly, are you suddenly seeing an upsurge in the search of specific products on your store?

It could be a seasonal trend or demand based on changes such as the weather.

So instead of relying on consumer search, put these products in the spotlight and make it easier for other shoppers to spot trends. With the ‘Trending Products’ product recommendations widget, you can display products in the same or similar category that are trending currently. This helps the shopper discover products that are being searched for the most and helps you boost product discoverability.

trending product recommendations

One of the best tactics that top Shopify stores use is upselling. Upsell is a sales strategy that shows higher-priced products similar to the product that the shopper is already looking at. Upselling increases revenue by 10-30% on average, making it a subtle yet powerful tactic to nudge higher sales. You can enable upselling on your store with the ‘Related Products’ recommendation widget.

This related products recommendation widget is best placed on product pages of your Shopify store. You can show off products that are similar to the product that the shopper is viewing and upsell higher ticketed products to increase their order value.

related product recommendations

7. Thank You Page Recommendation

The thank-you page is a goldmine of opportunities for merchants to keep their shoppers on their store for longer and even proceed to buy more or wishlist items they would want to later buy. Use the thank you page to place personalized recommendations for the shopper, products that they will be interested in.

Set up thank you page recommendations on your Shopify store today. You can cross-sell products that work well with the product that the shopper just bought. Since this recommendation is based on what the shopper has already bought, their interest will be higher. You can also show products that are on sale or bestsellers that are loved by other customers on your Shopify store.

8. Inspired By Your Browsing 

Some of your shoppers don’t come looking for a specific product. They go on to explore different product ranges under different categories. But that does not mean you can’t use product recommendations in this case.

With the latest Wiser widget, ‘Inspired by your browsing’, you can recommend products from the different collections/ categories that the shopper visited. This gives you an opportunity to tap into every interest of the shopper and use it to nudge a purchase on at least one of them!

inspired by browsing product recommendations

9. Frequently Bought Together

Some of your products pair well with others, allowing you to create bundled offers. These may be a pair of shoes and socks, or a coffee machine and a packet of coffee beans.

Frequently Bought Together is a product recommendation widget that allows you to create bundle offers that are displayed on the product pages of the two items. This can allow you to nudge shoppers to add more items to their cart, increasing their average order value.

10. Cart Page Recommendations

When shoppers have added an item to their cart, they are highly interested in buying from your store. You can maximize this interest by displaying recommendations to the shopper on the cart page.

Cart Page Recommendations allow you to display personalized recommendations of your choice— “Recently Viewed Products’, ‘Inspired By Your Browsing History’, etc— to shoppers on the cart page. This way, shoppers will be able to directly add relevant products that they are sure to be interested in directly to their cart, increasing average order value, and helping you generate more revenue.

11. Pop-up Recommendations

Many merchants set up pop-ups to be triggered, usually when a shopper intends to drop-off the store. These pop-ups usually contain a discount code or a high-converting copy to make the shopper stay and continue browsing. As highly visible elements, pop-ups are a great way to re-engage shoppers who are losing interest, especially when set up to be triggered at exit-intent.

However, you make set up these pop-ups to engage your customers even better by personalizing them with product recommendations. Place product recommendations within pop-ups to display recommendations based on your shopper’s browsing history or preferences. This can help you show relevant products to your shoppers, getting them to click and view items they have an interest in.

Using Wiser for Product Recommendations

You can set up personalized recommendations for your shoppers on your Shopify store to let them find products that they were previously interested in and products related to what they are looking at. Such strategically placed recommendations give you a chance to keep the shopper on your store for longer and to boost sales without too much effort.

With Wiser, you can set up product recommendations on your Shopify store, choosing dynamic product recommendations based on products the shopper is looking at. Wiser also shows you which kinds of recommendations are performing well on your store. This analytics can be used to optimize your recommendation widgets.

Ready to use Wiser for product recommendations? 

Install our Shopify app for product recommendations.

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