Influence purchase decisions by displaying
what others frequently buy together

best product recommendations app for Shopify

What are ‘frequently bought together’ product recommendations?

The cross-sell feature that you’ve probably used on Amazon, recommends products based on the purchasing habits of customers, driving visitors to add more items to their cart.

With WISER, you can recommend items that are typically complementary to the first or have been purchased at the same time by a large number of previous customers.

With this widget, a visitor can add all of the products to their cart at once as well!

How do Frequently Bought Together product recommendations work?

WISER leverages item-to-item collaborative filtering with the help of its AI-powered recommendation engine to personalize shopping experience by customer.

The algorithm bases the recommendations on a user’s purchase history, items they have looked at and not purchased, items they have rated and reviewed, and what other buyers of those same items have viewed and bought.

Call this a thoughtful way of making product recommendations to your Shopify store visitors.

Display personalized recommendations on cart page
personalized product recommendation app for Shopify

Why use Frequently Bought Together product recommendations?

A tactic that has been used by Amazon for years and accounts for 33% of their revenue, here’s why frequently bought together recommendations work:

  • Plays on consumer psychology of wanting to follow trends
  • Based on proven purchase patterns and behaviour
  • Bundles are a common and effective sales tactic
  • Smart upselling and cross-selling strategy that fits into natural shopping behaviour

Influence purchase decisions by displaying
what others frequently buy together

What are ‘frequently bought together’ product recommendations?

The cross-sell feature that you’ve probably used on Amazon, recommends products based on the purchasing habits of customers, driving visitors to add more items to their cart.

With WISER, you can recommend items that are typically complementary to the first or have been purchased at the same time by a large number of previous customers.

With this widget, a visitor can add all of the products to their cart at once as well!

best product recommendations app for Shopify

How do Frequently Bought Together product recommendations work?

WISER leverages item-to-item collaborative filtering with the help of its AI-powered recommendation engine to personalize shopping experience by customer.

The algorithm bases the recommendations on a user’s purchase history, items they have looked at and not purchased, items they have rated and reviewed, and what other buyers of those same items have viewed and bought.

Call this a thoughtful way of making product recommendations to your Shopify store visitors.

Display personalized recommendations on cart page

Why use Frequently Bought Together product recommendations?

A tactic that has been used by Amazon for years and accounts for 33% of their revenue, here’s why frequently bought together recommendations work:

  • Plays on consumer psychology of wanting to follow trends
  • Based on proven purchase patterns and behaviour
  • Bundles are a common and effective sales tactic
  • Smart upselling and cross-selling strategy that fits into natural shopping behaviour
personalized product recommendation app for Shopify

Benefits of displaying Frequently bought
Together product recommendations

Creates cross-sell opportunities
Increases average order value
Boosts overall revenue
Improves product discoverability
Creates dynamic bundles
Increases time spent on site

Where can you display Frequently bought Together
product recommendations?

On the product page

Let customers know what people buy alongside the product they like

On the cart page

Recommend more products based on preference to add to cart

On the checkout page

Cross-sell products before a visitor completes purchase

...and get people to buy more at every visit!

Leverage the power of AI-based personalized recommendations

Analyse browsing patterns, preferences, order data, interests and much more with the WISER
Shopify app. Provide a personalized shopping experience across web, mobile and email to
drive upto 35% higher conversions.


Increase in Customer Engagement


Increase in Monthly Sales


Recommendation Features


Increase in Average Order Value

I absolutely love this app. Our sales have increased since using it. We also needed some customizations done and the team completed it quickly. They are very knowledgeable and are a pleasure to work with.